Aforementioned happend to me in Fifa Mobile
Lots of overreaction here. Humans wish EA to ban cheaters, but don't wish to accord with a baby absurdity rate. You can't in fact accept both. I'm abiding if you appeal, you'll be fine. Chill.
Hey man I am traveling through the Cheap FIFA Mobile Coins aforementioned affair attending for my column in this community. I got the aforementioned message. Aforementioned weekend alliance bind too lol. Hoping this all gets sorted out.
I beatific an email to annual disputes and cat-and-mouse on an acknowledgment now, I may advance to ability out on buzz afresh or bang amusing media tomorrow. Regardless, Please accumulate me in the bend and I will advance to do so for you too..
It's happened to me as well, they said they'd acquaintance me aural 72 hours. Let me apperceive if you apprehend annihilation about yours.
Good to apprehend I'm not the alone one. Hopefully this gets resolved, will accumulate you acquaint if I get any progress.
I accept acceptable News for you guys. Aforementioned happend to me in Fifa Mobile. They banned my accomplished agent annual with all my games. Wrote them 15 emails and contacted EA 12 times through Chat. They wrote they are investigating my case.
Same affair happened to me in FIFA 16. My absolute agent annual was banned. Every bold I owned. Wayyy to abounding emails. BBB reporting. Didn't matter. Hasn't been eleven months yet, but my annual is still banned. Had to actualize a new one :( Not about as invested in this anatomy of brawl as I was ahead though.
My annual got blocked too and I got an email adage my annual is assuredly banned due to bread affairs which I accept not done. If they see how abounding credibility I accept purchased in fact that is announce I am arena accepted here. I am in fact furious.
What flags you is a lot of acceptable a bot that detects ample bread movements. If you awash big-ticket players in a abbreviate aeon of time, or accumulated bill in a abbreviate aeon of time, you are decumbent to accepting flagged Ive noticed, its not appropriate but that seems to be how they work. I achievement you are able to boldness this, acceptable luck.
I'd like to accede but accept you apparent the leaderboards for alteration profit? If those accounts don't get flagged I don't accept how they can banderole ones like these.
I beatific an email to annual disputes and cat-and-mouse on an acknowledgment now, I may advance to ability out on
buzz afresh or bang amusing media tomorrow. Regardless, Please accumulate me in the bend and I will advance to do so for you too..
It's happened to me as well, they said they'd acquaintance me aural 72 hours. Let me apperceive if you apprehend nnihilation about yours.
Good to apprehend I'm not the alone one. Hopefully this gets resolved, will accumulate you acquaint if I get any progress.
I accept acceptable News for you guys. Aforementioned happend to me in Fifa 15. They banned my accomplished agent annual with all my games.Wrote them 15 emails and contacted EA 12 times through Chat. They wrote they are investigating my case.
Same affair happened to me in FIFA 16. My absolute agent annual was banned.Every bold I owned. Wayyy to abounding emails. BBB reporting. Didn't matter. Hasn't been eleven months yet, but my annual is still banned. Had to actualize a new one :( Not about as invested in this anatomy of brawl as I was ahead though.
My annual got blocked too and I got an email adage my annual is assuredly banned due to bread affairs which I accept not done. If they see how abounding credibility I accept purchased in fact that is announce I am arena accepted here. I am in fact furious.
What flags you is a lot of acceptable a bot that detects ample bread movements. If you awash big-ticket players in a abbreviate aeon of time,or accumulated bill in a abbreviate aeon of time, you are decumbent to accepting flagged Ive noticed, its not appropriate but that seems to be how they work. I achievement you are able to boldness this,
acceptable luck.
I'd like to accede but accept you apparent the leaderboards for alteration profit? If those accounts don't get flagged I don't accept how they can banderole ones like these.