Away and ref all acquire altered colors

Sep-14-2017 PST Category: News

So it's basically 2018 in FIFA years, but we still can't get refs that don't abrasion colors that are agnate to the teams' colors?

They should just accord us an advantage to change the ref's shirt in the abeyance card and achieve it so that it furnishings abandoned the awning of the guy who afflicted it.

I mean, if we can do it with the brawl and the bend pattern, why can't we do it with the ref's shirts?

You can't change those either in the abeyance menu. Already the bout endless the cartoon can't be changed. Although it's in fact capricious in the bold settings menu.

You're right, I apprehend my animadversion was a little inaccurate.

Still, there should be some way of chief it, like, maybe add it as a additional kit alternative advantage afterwards accepting alleged your kit or something, that way you adjudge depending on what colours your adversary chooses as well.

They should just annihilate the red completely. Ref accession is one of my bigger gripes.

The ref is consistently appropriate in the boilerplate of the pitch, at atomic already per bout or every two matches I acquire an advance torn down by the ref, or a amateur runs into him and stumble.

At the absolute atomic get rid of ref collisions, it’s something that rarely happens in absolute activity anyway.

Getting rid of the ref collisions would in actuality yield one band of cipher how ceramics they anytime traveling to acquisition the time.

Every amateur has a physics bulk that determines how able-bodied they can beef off and block the aisle of accession player. Set the ref to 0.

If the blow arrangement is too complicate for that to work, set the ref as an barring and achieve him blow through everybody. That adeptness yield several curve of cipher but no added than a few dozen.

If I fabricated this bold I would be abashed that things like this happen of FIFA 18 Coins. Yield some pride in your plan EA.

I beggarly they could just tag anniversary kit with a color. Afresh set up an algorithm or some array that makes abiding that home, abroad and ref all acquire altered colors?