Buffon abandoned wins it out of respect
Buffon abandoned wins it out of respect, De gea now is bigger than Buffon. Or for accepting afar of an absurd defence that FIFA 18 Coins got to the Champions Alliance final and acceptable Serie A?
Put Buffon in Man Us ancillary and he'd accomplish endless of save too. At this point De Gea is overrated as fuck because abiding he's acceptable but he plays in the weakest top aggregation that concedes lots of affairs while arena abundantly defensively.
And put De Gea in Juve's ancillary and he would acquire "been afar of an absurd aegis that got to the Champions Alliance final and won Serie A."
Arguments like this are silly. A GK can abandoned play for the aggregation they're on. And actuality is, De Gea has been in actuality aerial accomplishing so.
Honestly, that point is in actuality daft. KNo one in the apple appropriate now stops shots like him. Your point could be apparent from 2 angles, if buffon has a acceptable defence, he doesn't acquire to stop as abounding shots etc. but who is to say he would if he didn't acquire a acceptable defence or you could say he looks de gea looks bigger because he saves more.
I didn't say De Gea isn't one of the best but at this point he's actually overrated. The way humans allege about him makes him complete like one of the best goalkeepers ever.
Look at the Juventus defence, humans acquire disqualified out Buffon and Alves. Bonucci looks like he will get his TOTY still but I accept Juve had the best CL defence afore the final (not abiding afterwards it) so who are we crediting that to?
Bonucci on his own? Does Chiellini or Sandro deserve it? This is area the argumentation is a bit flawed, a defence that acceptable wasn't just down to Bonucci.
As anyone who watched United with Schmeichel and VDS (as able-bodied as the bulk of abhorrent GKs in between), I can acquaint you that De Gea is appropriately rated.
Obviously "one of the best GKs ever" is a amplitude because how abbreviate his career has been, but if he keeps arena as he has been, he will in actuality be in that discussion.
Just because anyone is badly accepted does not beggarly they are overrated. De Gea has been in actuality astonishing the endure few years.
And still, he has won nothing. Whether you like it or not players are advised on what they won. There's a acumen Messi is gonna be the best amateur ever, he wouldn't accomplish that admitting if he was putting up those numbers for Arsenal and never win annihilation though.
For your added comment, Buffon has accurate he can accomplish big saves just like De Gea. He aswell has accurate he can play abaft a defence abounding of what we can accept acquire almost big egos and still organise and be the captain of the team, something De Gea hasn't proven.
The actuality is endure year Buffon was the goalkeeper for FIFA Mobile points the best defence in the Champions Alliance (before the final?) and won Serie A. De Gea accomplished 6th and didn't yield allotment in the Europa Alliance win.