Changeable shorts and socks in FIFA 18

Aug-30-2017 PST Category: News

U2fifa fifa coins - I would adulation to see this and i dont apperceive why it has not been added to the game. If selecting the kits i advanced you should be able to accumulate the home jersey but change the shorts and socks.

For archetype Man Utd play in Europe with white shorts and white socks but play alliance amateur with white shorts and atramentous socks. Additional added teams change the socks and shorts so not to affray with the adverse team. What do ye think?

I advanced this should be in the game. My club, Sporting CP, is a huge example. We play about bisected our amateur with white shorts and the added bisected with atramentous ones, depending on the added team's kit. AC Milan does the same, for example.

The HUGE botheration with this is bodies creating accidental kits, like Complete Madrid with a dejected shirt and white shorts and socks.

So, as continued as EA allows us ONLY what happens in complete life, this would be great. If not, bigger leave things as is. I advanced this was in an beforehand adaptation of either FIFA or PES and it was a circus.

The affair is there are 2 means to do this.

First one is, they bisect ceremony arrangement into 3 groups, Shirt/Shorts/Socks. That way we will be able to change those on our chargeless will. But that Complete Madrid archetype you gave will arise unfortunately.

Not alone complete madrid, but bodies can accomplish Arsenal abrasion Red Shirt + Dejected Shorts as well, as there are abounding teams with archetypal combinations. Maybe they can lock the teams in a way, I don't know.

Second one is they will actualize added sets with combinations, so like Man Utd will accept like 4 combinations for Home Kit,

R/W/B - R/B/B - R/W/W - R/B/W

But this way it will allegation so abundant disc amplitude than it has already. Just for combinative kits it will abort some austere disc space.

Another archetype is afresh United. Adjoin Leicester, United had white shorts, and adjoin Swansea (White kit) United had atramentous shorts. It is (or atleast was) accessible canal modding in FIFA 16, with a mod alleged moddingway.

If you accept the latest adaptation of this you accept like 5 kits to chose from per PL club.

And some of the kits are the aforementioned but buy FIFA 18 Coins with altered shorts and socks. So it was atleast possible, but in Fifa 17 it's harder to mod, but still should be accessible for EA.