Chump abutment accepting the Buy Fifa Mobile Coins

Mar-08-2018 PST Category: News

Got a fun chestnut on that. A acquaintance of abundance had his annual afraid by some Turkish dude who artlessly beatific Origin's chump abutment an E-mail adage he absent admission to the annual and the associated e-mail account.

Chump abutment accepting the Buy Fifa Mobile Coins complete retards that they are artlessly displace the account's email to the hacker's own, who afresh proceeded to displace the countersign and yield over the account.

When my acquaintance begin out and contacted support, they told him they couldn't do annihilation because 'they couldn't just change the e-mail listed on an agent annual for aegis reasons'.

He never got his annual aback and the arduous applesauce from EA's chump abutment fabricated him vow to never accept annihilation to do with EA or Agent anytime again. Can't say I accusation him either.

Tell him to allegation aback as abounding payments he fabricated as possible. He'll get a allotment of his money aback and the annual will be bound and/or terminated.

Anecdote from R*: I had my annual compromised by some Russian kid who allegedly bought my account.

I got a advise on my email that anyone approved to login, luckily I had in fact set up 2FA for my email a day or so before.

I analysis my inbox and I see a few R* emails in Russian that finer translated to acceptance emails that my countersign was changed.