Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred's New Class Turns Sanctuary into a Zoo

Jul-22-2024 PST Category: Diablo4

Creating a new class for the Diablo series, which spans nearly three decades, is no easy feat. The newly detailed Spiritborn class, a major feature of Diablo 4's Vessel of Hatred expansion, represents a significant step forward for Blizzard in making Diablo 4's classes more personalized for individual players. At an event held at Blizzard's headquarters, I had the opportunity to go hands-on with the Spiritborn class in a preview of Vessel of Hatred and uncover its origins.


It's a Zoo Out There


At first glance, the Spiritborn class might remind fans of the Monk with its relentless attacks and agile movements. However, this comparison quickly fades as the Spiritborn's unique connection to the ethereal animals of the region becomes apparent. This rare kinship not only enables the class to channel different animal forms for a dynamic and ferocious battle style but also introduces a level of personal customization previously unseen in Diablo.


Spiritborn, both the class and the character, hails from the jungles of Nahantu. First seen in Diablo 2, this biome is renowned for its lush overgrowth and spiritual connections. "That was our inspiration," Diablo 4 director Brent Gibson explained. "We started with the idea that the class should be tied to Nahantu."


From this concept, the team envisioned the Vessel of Hatred's new class as a warrior attuned to both nature and the spirit realm. This realm exists apart from the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, serving as a neutral party in Diablo's eternal conflict. With the character concept in place, the narrative team crafted a story explaining why this powerful class had remained on the sidelines until now, setting the stage for the Spiritborn's introduction in the new expansion.


"We did extensive research on the cultures that inspired the Spiritborn," said Eleni Rivera-Colon, the associate narrative designer. "We consulted with experts to ensure we respectfully represented the original cultures."


Communion with Spirit Animals


The Spiritborn communes with several spirit animals resembling real-world counterparts: a centipede, a gorilla, an eagle, and a jaguar. Each animal symbolizes human virtues and concepts, such as the centipede representing the cycle of life and death. They also embody roles for building your Spiritborn, like the gorilla's tank-like strength or the jaguar's swift attack speed. By communing with these animals, players can imbue their Spiritborn with specific talents to use against enemies, presented as attunement choices in the menu.


Customization and Strategy


Spiritborns can choose up to two animals to mix and match their skills and traits, allowing for highly customizable skill growth. For example, combining the jaguar and the eagle creates a fast, mobile attacker that flits across the screen, engaging and disengaging enemies swiftly. On the other hand, pairing the centipede and the jaguar enables a playstyle that poisons enemies and evades their attacks like a relentless mosquito.


With loot that enhances these skills, the Spiritborn class allows significant player agency in dictating character growth and playstyle. "I'm excited to see what dedicated Spiritborn players will create," said Stephen Stewart, Diablo 4's associate class designer. "What combinations can break the game?"


Natural Selection in Action


During my hands-on session with the Spiritborn, I experienced firsthand how resonance with an individual's play style is paramount. Initially, I gravitated toward the jaguar's quick attacks but found the style frustrating. Combining the jaguar with the eagle resulted in a glass cannon build that didn't suit my playstyle. After struggling against a fortress boss, I switched to a build combining the gorilla and the centipede, transforming into an unassailable tank with powerful poison attacks.


This play session highlighted that mastering the Spiritborn requires experimentation. Unlike other classes, where success might be straightforward, the Spiritborn demands a nuanced understanding and adaptation to different playstyles.




Blizzard's direction with the Spiritborn class in Vessel of Hatred is clear: they want to empower players to explore and personalize their gameplay experience. This innovative class, with its deep ties to the spirit realm and Nahantu's rich culture, promises to add a fresh and engaging layer to Diablo 4.


Prepare for the launch of Diablo 4's Vessel of Hatred expansion and dive into the intricate world of the Spiritborn. Gather your Diablo 4 Gold, stock up on Diablo 4 Items, and get ready to transform Sanctuary into your own personal zoo.