Donated FIFA Mobible bill through bids
If EA are austere about bread sellers and announcement afresh why don't they just hit them area it hurts and advance their channels instead of a absurd Fifa Mobile Coins account.
This absolute sub is just anxious it seems. he got his old annual aback because it was compromised not reset. He gets all his players through packs and donated FIFA bill through bids.
He isn't captivation anyone's arm abaft them banishment them to accord him donations. And the blaming Reddit affair is just because he is apprenticed on technology but afresh sees anybody on a website aggravating to get him banned and calumniating him, afresh I accept him throwing accusation this way.
He has been cogent anybody who he is advertisement up, Afore he was afraid he was putting a bin bulk now he leaves shitty silvers on an accessible bid and says at the alpha "now i don't wish you behest on my shitty silvers" aka adumbration adumbration buy my cards kids and if he gets huge bill off his admirers he acts like he is abashed he never accepted it. He is such a snake.
He provides entertainment, and humans eat up his shit. Why i dont accept but your acting like hes some fucking coffer bandit burglary these peoples money.
Both of the online writing on this piss me off. Not because of the adjudication or annihilation else, but the vapid abridgement of any array of absolute advice on the case.
I'm a little wonkish in that regard, but this cautiously sounds like it could be one of those "violating the EULA is a felony" affectionate of prosecutions; added over extensive CFAA nonsense. However, you'd accept no abstraction what the approach of the abomination that was presented to a board was from the two online writing I've apparent acquaint on this case.
Just capital to say a quick acknowledge you to you PC users for afraid to cilia and abundantly getting civilian and helpful.
They alarm you the adept chase for acceptable reason, us animate peasants could apprentice a lot from organised discussion.