Fifa Mobile Coins - FIFA owns the license

Sep-05-2017 PST Category: News

For the game to either be free or to be removed from the app stores completely. Basically, money should not be tied to such a poor and deceptive game.Changing many of these deceptive features would basically ruin the games core, so either they should not allow payment and safe-gaurd paying users, or simply remove it completely from the market if they can't do that.

The public should not be able to access a Cheap FIFA Mobile Coins endorsed game where they can pay for it, and which constantly deceives it's (paying) users without their knowledge.

For example, committing suicide is a crime even though the person makes the choice themselves. So it cannot be allowed to endorse or tolerate committing suicide to the general public.

The concept is similar.Good. Very good. But you know that FIFA is corrupt on a level that makes the FIFA mobile team look like Mother Theresa?At last!! Someone said it! I begun laughing at the moment I first saw the title of this thread. Fifa is so deep in multi billion scandals these years, they make every one like a saint in comparison.

FIFA is completely different from the games we play. They are an organisation that regulates fixtures of clubs and countries. The games we play are owned by EA. For complaining, we have no choice but to complain to EA.FIFA owns the license and is also liable for this game.

If you look at that recent lawsuit against EA for something like this, it was from the sport organization, like FIFA. Complaining to FIFA is actually the best place to send it.

BUT right now, when a lot of users are truly and rightly upset, seems like a good idea facing an angry mob. Mobs are harsh and do not listen to reason.