Fifa Mobile coins - Top Antecedence is not in actuality showstopper

Sep-15-2017 PST Category: News

WTF WTF WTF WTF -formations to choose Already you’ve best the accumulation you ambition to use, the bold will automatically yield the 11 players all-important for it and that is the band you’ll play with.

Keeping the ratings lower is a acceptable abstraction (e.g Ronaldo at 89) because afresh appropriate cards will beggarly added and they wont accept to be so OP, so for archetype if Lewandowski was rated 88 (considering ratings would be lower) his TOTS could be 93/94 acceptation the cards would still be acceptable but not OP and his ratings would not overlap with added appropriate events, (e.g Lewandowski has a 99 rated TOTS agenda and IF card, but the IF agenda has lower stats in some attributes which doesnt accomplish faculty because the cards both accept the aforementioned rating.)

We're searching at priorities over the FIFA Mobile Coins next few weeks and seeing which things we can fix.

BTW I am aperture that we accept anchored that canyon bug for our accessible 6.3 update. Not abiding if it's traveling to be out, but through your guys advice of sending videos we were able to clue it down.

If I were to rank these in a antecedence system, I'd accredit the following. Top Antecedence is not in actuality showstopper, but it's top because of how generally it furnishings gameplay, and because of how adverse to the all-embracing amateur acquaintance it is.

Medium is basically, fix it as anon as possible, but there's added important things to do, and Low Antecedence may beggarly there's a plan about or its added of a affluence to fix.

Forgot to add an affair I didn't see on your list. GKs al of a sudden able to bolt abounding bar adeptness shots from abutting ambit with absurd calm and ease. These shots should backlash off of the babysitter unless they covering their gloves in fucking architecture brand adhesive.