I spent about 200000 fifa Coins accepting 90 CDM Luiz

Aug-07-2017 PST Category: News

I spent about 200000 (and some players) accepting 90 CDM Luiz. I don't affliction for him abundant (I anticipate he consistently plays as striker no bulk what you acquaint him) and FIFA 18 Coins if I could I'd advertise him. So 2018 I plan to abstain big-ticket untradables.

That's in actuality a accident with untradeables, I adulation him, but I don't depend on him abandoned for aegis in my midfield.

I was complete careful with untradeable SBCs this year, but I can see why you'd abstain them altogether. Maybe I'll try him at CAM, he seems to awning a lot of ground.

I play him at LCM/RCM - I play a 4312 with midfielders that can advance and avert (even the CAM), so there's consistently a midfielder who stays aback even if the draft are in the box. It works for me, but it's acutely subjective.

Did you try the accommodation adaptation afore spending 200K on him? Consistently do that - the accommodation about costs anything, and you accomplish the money spent aback in the accommodation games.

And yeah, I anticipate a lot of humans are traveling to be abbreviation the bulk of SBCs they complete next year.

I'm animated I didn't complete the Torres SBC. My NIF Suárez is so abundant bigger and the accommodation matches fabricated me realise that.

Yea that's the affair with untradeable cards; you feel answerable to use them. Will not be accomplishing any next FIFA, because I know, overall, I don't like that "have to use" feeling.

FIFA is about over so I didn't in actuality care. Did Gerrard who i adulation and Luiz who is decent. I'll in actuality do POTM Son is he comes out.

I got his accommodation adaptation to try him out at CDM, and I hated how he played there, because I charge anyone that is quick and nimble, Kanté has played >700 amateur for me for a acumen (from his 81 rated card, to his OTW card).

But afresh I absitively to accord Luiz accession try but this time at CB, and he is amazing. So abundant so that I abashed my TOTS Azpilicueta to LB, so Luiz can play at CB (off advance I play futties Smalling in the added CB spot).

I spent for him 700k fifa Coins aback in time. I'd say, i spent about 4 mln Coins in player's sbc, in actuality will abstain them in 18.

I've spent a lot as able-bodied and I don't in actuality affliction because I've got a ample club as able-bodied but now searching at it I would rather accept all the Coins I accept spent instead of accepting these untradeables with Cheap FIFA Mobile Coins, I'm not mad admitting it was the aboriginal year with SBCs and I accept learnt from it.

Next year I'll abandoned do players who already accept a ailing approved agenda (like a Martial, a Dybala or Smalling again) or I'll complete them if I accept approved their accommodation adaptation aboriginal and REALLY admired the accommodation version.