Me endure year at the alpha of Fifa Mobile
Its in fact is CRAZY that EA's cipher to Cheap FIFA Mobile Coins its in fact is CRAZY that EA's cipher to ascertain buyers/sellers doesnt yield into annual the SBC bazaar they created themselves.
I had a botheration alert endure year area I got broken by EA's servers during abstract matches. Afterwards emailing and aggravating to babble with EA I assuredly did the affair area I gave them my amount to alarm me. They alleged me aback aural an hour both times and gave me a 'free' abstract token. One of the times I even had a affable babble with the guy.
I got my bill wiped in 16th, could could cause they absitively that I was affairs those, which i didnt. Nothing helped, they answered brace of times that activity taken accurately and would not change their mind, and asked me not to address afresh with aforementioned issue... Alone affair I can explain it, could could cause on my abode we use proxy and I was application web app a lot... so now I do aggregate from accompaniment and web app alone at home...
So annoyed. I accept paid $500 on credibility to set up my aggregation for the division and to do able-bodied in weekend alliance (still had debris backpack luck).
Some advance is SBC but haven't fabricated abundant on them. Now I absence out on weekend alliance and accept an arbitrary ban.
I will absolutely be battling this and allurement for a acquittance of credibility if the ban is not overturned. Oh well, looks like I'll buy the new civ.
This happened to me endure fifa OP. Alarm them and acquaint them what happened. They will afresh acquaint you to email this 3rd affair aggregation that EA application to handle their bans. It took a few weeks, but I got my annual back. They aswell through in one accomplished 7.5k backpack for my troubles too. How nice of them!
Had the aforementioned affair happened this ages to me. I wrote an email to let's allocution ea, and aural 3 canicule my annual was unbanned. Hopefully, you get your annual back.
This happened to me endure year at the alpha of Fifa 18 and I beatific them a abundant email answer that they had banned my annual in absurdity and waited over a ages for a response. Submitted BBB complaint and anyone from EA contacted me a day afterwards to say my annual was reactivated and to action compensation.
ascertain buyers/sellers doesnt yield into annual the SBC bazaar they created themselves.
I had a botheration alert endure year area I got broken by EA's servers during abstract matches. Afterwards emailing and aggravating to babble with EA I assuredly did the affair area I gave them my amount to alarm me. They alleged me aback aural an hour both times and gave me a 'free' abstract token. One of the times I even had a affable babble with the guy.
I got my bill wiped in 16th, could could cause they absitively that I was affairs those, which i didnt. Nothing helped, they answered brace of times that activity taken accurately and would not change their mind, and asked me not to address afresh with aforementioned issue... Alone affair I can explain it, could could cause on my abode we use proxy and I was application web app a lot... so now I do aggregate from accompaniment and web app alone at home...