My acquaintance fifa 18 demo
So I had the befalling to play the bold for FIFA 18 Coins about 45 account at the Gamescom.
Well aboriginal off I got to say that the about-face adaptation isn't as bad as I accepted it to be, it could be actively fun to accept it on the go...
Secondly, the audience was on a PS4 so idk how abundant the gameplay will alter to Xbox or PC.
What was actually noticable was the apathetic gameplay, players feel actually heavy. But the dude at the berth told me that the abounding adaptation wouldn't be that slow.
It's just like every year that the audience seems slower apparently because that way humans feel any aberration to the antecedent FIFA and accept a acumen to buy the new FIFA because of "omg gameplay feels so altered omg!!"
Shooting did feel appealing altered aswell tbh, my acumen shots didn't go aswell as I anticipation they should or maybe I was just accepting a bad day but I actually anticipate the brawl physics while cutting was kinda off.
Now the defense, able-bodied I didn't feel like it was added difficult than in 17 tbh, although I did avert appealing manually in 17 already so this could be a acumen why I didn't accept that abundant agitation arresting if the adversary amateur has the ball on his anxiety BUT actuality is the point, bridge is about absurd to avert accurately afterwards training it a little bit, the defenders are just about positioned in your breadth while the crosses are all ascertain to the opponents striker.
I did accept all my goals by bridge and headers I anticipate this will be the year of bridge afresh afterall if the gameplay is gonna break abutting as to what we accept appropriate now.
The one man alpha is appealing neat, it's added difficult accomplishing the custom L1 and X bang off and advance with both players appropriate abroad so that is a able thing.
Lastly the cartoon do accessory amazing if there are abutting ups from the added acclaimed players , the army is amazing, celebrations like the Ronaldo one feels awesome.
All in all I can say the bold does feel altered to 17 in assertive areas but still has some flaws in my eyes but from what I heard the audience and the abounding adaptation can alter a looot.
I anticipate that was aggregate I will adapt my column if I bethink annihilation more, u guys can ask aswell if u accept specific questions.