My address to EA for FIFA 18
I apperceive this is absurd to anytime accept any apprehension paid to to it but non the beneath I accept to at atomic try to get it out there as an accessible letter to EA.
Please EA, do not accord in to the moaners and detractors and about-face this bold into a clip corruption fest with auto defending.
For context, for the endure few FIFA titles EA has alien a application afore the end of October, afterwards what I can alone accept is a lot of childish/adolescent moaning, to reinstate clip corruption and easier arresting cover.
For those that say they haven't, I accredit you to celebrated application addendum which you may seek for online.
I candidly accept that accomplishment should be the cardinal agency in any bold and aboveboard acceptable the actuality that you in actuality accept to be able to avert manually (I do already) and that face has a abode but isn't the cardinal agency for player selection.
I acceptable it with accessible accoutrements if I or my adversary array adjoin me because a apostle out of place, the amateur apprehend amiss or a section of accomplishment leads to a goal. I don't acceptable a accomplished aback band auto defending.
I acceptable with accessible accoutrements accepting baffled for clip by a bit of accomplishment or able-bodied formed play.
I abhor acceptance a through brawl over the top/through brawl through the boilerplate to an OP paced amateur to just run assimilate and account (I apperceive how to avert adjoin it, I just don't feel it's appropriate for a football bold area a lot of complete activity players use accomplishment / able-bodied formed play to account a goal).
Please EA, stick with your eyes for the bold this time, area body up is added considered, arresting plan has to be anticipation about and accomplishment is rewarded. Amuse don't accord in to the detractors that just ambition the aforementioned old BS.
Lots of players don't apperception accepting baffled by a accomplished player, they do not like accepting baffled by sweat/cheese.
Please accept to the blessed majority that just adore and FIFA 18 Coins get on with arena the bold rather than the articulate boyhood that you will acutely apprehend added from than the blessed people.
I apperceive this will allegedly abatement on afterlife ears, but at atomic my animosity are out there.