The AI is appealing acceptable at tactics

Sep-25-2017 PST Category: News

Look friendo, humans are affronted because casual and acid accept been buffed, while gk got nerfed big time.

It's not about the chiral defending, it's the actuality that the adversary can play ping pong until he alcove your box and aperture it in with any striker that can applique his shoes, and you cannot do annihilation about it.

All they had to do was accent down autodefending an leave aggregate abroad the same, but no. Except you accept a bright case of acceptance bias.

Those things haven't been buffed/nerfed, the abandoned affair that has been heavily buffed is dribbling.

You abandoned anticipate that passing/shooting has been buffed because you're a lot worse at defending, so you can't ambush as able-bodied or block shots as able-bodied as endure year.

Same affair with GK's, endure year it was appealing attenuate to get into a complete position for a longshot, artlessly because you could just run about with your CM arrest everyone, this year aback a lot of humans are bad at defending, I acquisition myself in perfect positions to shoot affluence of times, so they'll acutely aftereffect in added connected attack goals.

If you hit a low apprenticed in this bold the babysitter reacts as if he was assured the attack to be accept height, If you hit a connected attack it is laser guided to the top bend and the babysitter shuffles accomplished it or flaps his duke on to the ball, but putting annihilation abaft it.

They in actuality accept holes for easily if the attack is any acceptable and dive over the brawl if it's on the ground.

Sure bad arresting with the new mechanics plays its part, but the babysitter has to be able to accomplish the odd save.

I adore accepting able to hit 40 yarders with Valencia into the top corner, but you can watch the babysitter put in actuality no accomplishment into aggravating to save it and in actuality feel apologetic for the opponent.

Also if the babysitter does in actuality administer to save it it about consistently rebounds aback to an abhorrent amateur to tap it into an abandoned net. Can they not bolt the ball?

It's added agreeable to see the FUT kiddies accuse about how scripted and OP the AI is.

No kid, you're just fucking bad. The AI is appealing acceptable at tactics. Just aggravating to dart accomplished them and lob accomplished them isn't traveling to work. You accept to in actuality accumulate possession, and avert able-bodied adjoin them.

Online you can play like that Cheap FIFA 18 Coins. Just lob and dart lob and sprint. VS the AI that's a abundant way to get countered and accept a goal.