Trust me I feel shame
I anticipate its time we accept a austere chat about this. I havent spent any added money of FP this year, but endure year i spent apparently 2k on FP.
Trust me i feel abashment even acceptance to that. But this accomplished TOTGS, and all those lightning circuit and backpack promos I was absolute tempted to buy points or FIFA 18 Coins.
Luckily i had some discipline and didnt cave. But i did see some streamers spending 20 bucks per backpack sometimes and accepting complete debris in return. This speaks to the apathy of EA IMO.
There is no acumen whatsoever that some of these cards should even be in the game. +60 fitness? Really?
All these cards with +3 top physique etc etc, what does that even do, has EA anytime said what accepting those clubs in yoru aggregation even do.
It's not like you can administer that to a agenda like chem appearance or training. Speaking of the training cards. They are not accustomed in the weekend league, it's appealing bright EA wants Esports to be the focus, so why the fuck am i accepting this bits in packs?
I dont ambition one of the few rares i get from a exceptional gold backpack to be a +10 GK attributes card. I deceit use the fucking attenuate in the WL. Revamp your accomplished bits EA.
Did you candidly absorb 2k? I acquisition it an complete abasement that a getting should be able to absorb that abundant and not accept every agenda in the game! Micro affairs are out of ascendancy IMO.
I told myself i wouldnt absorb a penny added this year and i havent. And for what its worth, i did not accept every individual agenda in the game, it did buy Ronaldo at some point, but i never arranged any of the top bank players, Messi, Suarez, Neuer, Neymar, Ronaldo, Pogba. My best cull endure year was apparently Ribery or Robben.
If you feel the appetite to accessible some packs, just accessible some of the bargain brownish ones for 400 fifa coins.
And if you're advantageous you even get something advantageous for some SBCs or band exercise or some air-conditioned kit, you contrarily would've never anticipation of.
At atomic for me it does the ambush if it comes to abrading that backpack itch. And because you don't apprehend abundant it's consistently a nice abruptness if it's something useful.