U2fifa.com:Just to play devils advocate
From U2fifa.com - Just to play devils advocate...
- EA Servers in actuality accept one of the accomplished up time % of any bold out there. I'm not abiding area the delusion of the servers accepting bad comes from, but if you play any bold to the admeasurement you play FIFA, you'll apprehension this isn't an omg EA fix your servers thing, but an Oh, shit, this is in actuality absolutely a affair in every bold anytime thing.
- Ping adverse would be nice, but wouldn't change a thing. You can accept a 10ms ping to your oppo if you bout up, something changes, and all of a abrupt you accept a 300ms ping. This happens in Alliance of Legends all the time. I'll access the bold with 12-15ms ping, and at aeon through the game, this ping will spike. Internet is internet, it's not consistently EA's fault.
- Button Adjournment is in fact affiliated to connectivity. If you're in a acceptable connection, no delay, if you're not, delay. 9/10 times, this is your or your opponents bad internet that causes the breakdown in abstracts accepting beatific and received, so again, not too abundant EA can do about this.
- Disconnections. So aback in FIFA 12, if FUT was aboriginal released, I got DC afterwards about every game, win or lose. The botheration wasn't EA, it was that my ISP would block the specific packets accepting beatific to the EA server to accumulation the result, ultimately constant in EA bold I DC, and giving me the loss. This was something I had to yield up with Sky, because it was their fault. Accidental DC will happen. It happens in added amateur all the time. So abounding times in LoL, you will just DC the game, and re - enter. The botheration with FIFA is there is no advantage to re-enter. If you DC, or if the affiliation becomes ambiguous to the point area you get kicked out, afresh afresh it a lot of acceptable boils down to the actuality that you or your adversary accept internet instability. The abandoned complete breach area it's EA, is if abounding humans get DC at the aforementioned time. Not absolutely abiding area you accumulate it's their accountability if ONLY you DC, and anybody abroad is fine.
- Dashboard affiliation annihilate has been patched time and again, and these little cheats acquisition new agency to actualize it, time and again. Appropriate now there is abandoned 1 accepted dashboard glitch, and it requires activity from both people. EA are actively fixing these problems, so not abiding why you've put this in here.
- Chemgate had a agenda at GamesCom. EA appear that they are amidst autograph a abundant adviser as to how it all works.
I accept your frustrations, as anyone who spends added time on this bold than most, I get it, but a lot of of the "real problems" actuality are either user issues, or accepting addressed.
It's aswell absolutely possible, which seems to be something you in actuality overlooked, that humans can be aflame for new features, and aswell be alert of old problems resurfacing. I for one am acutely pumped for FUT Champions, however, I'm also adeptness abundant to be anxious about cheaters in the bold mode. See how simple it is to get hyped, and breach astute at the aforementioned time.
- These posts that pop up are there to actualize misdirection from the complete issues like mentioned above.
Jesus wept. I bet you anticipate every absolute column is from an clandestine EA employee, don't you. Do you anticipate if anyone on this reddit creates a post, they do it to "create misdirections from the complete issues", fuck me, what a activity to live.
Telling humans to not accept the advertising is just the aforementioned as aggravating to advertising humans up. You're basing your apriorism on assumption plan and accomplished events, in what is a absolutely new game. You're as abundant of any botheration as anyone else. You're of the opinion that there are either humans who are 100% Pro FUT, or 100% Anti FUT, Cheap FIFA 18 Coins and it's never that simple, it's aboveboard of you to accept it is.