What a adventurous is declared to be and so did EA
The aberration in posts is aerial compared to the Blizzard subreddits like Warcraft and Heartstone. They are abounding with acclaim and funny content, how a adventurous should be FIFA Coins. And afresh you arise actuality and the atmosphere is like somebody died.
Every 2 column is a complaint, the akin of baneful is mental. I advanced a lot of of you forgot what a adventurous is declared to be and so did EA.
That's because those amateur are in actuality a fun, abandoned experience, humans are rarely anytime advancing so they don't get mad as much.
I can bet annihilation that if Blizzard fabricated a sports adventurous they'd get bits on every individual day.
EA is still shitty and there's a lot they could advance on, but the acumen those subreddits are abounding with acclaim it's because of the blazon of game, put Blizzard alive FIFA and they'd get bits on the above way.
Theres PvP in WoW. I dont advanced theres any bs or their servers are causing any amateur a disadvantage. Plus they are aggravating to antithesis everything.
There's PvP in WoW that the abundant majority of the playerbase doesn't apperception accident in.
On FIFA you admission the WL, breadth if you lose you get absolutely worse rewards, so humans get acutely mad afterwards a loss.
2 years ago you still had complaints about the game, but aback there wasn't any advancing approach this subreddit wasn't abounding with 90% toxicity.
I don't advanced you understand. Aggregate is about absolutely how EA ambition it to be.
What do you advanced the developers do every year? They do just abundant baby things to absolve affairs the new FIFA every year, like Icons this year. Aggregate abroad is a complete mix of RNG, skill, annoyance and luck to accumulate humans hooked.
Think about the assets they have. They could fix SO abounding things that we see as "issues" about easily. But they don't because EA are not in the business of authoritative a "game". They're authoritative a annual aperture machine.
The Heartstone devs admission to be some of the laziest out there. Just because they sometimes pop up in the subreddit doesn't beggarly the accompaniment of the adventurous is any good.
Meta cards from years ago are still as meta as ever, they're so apathetic to fix annihilation in that adventurous it's unbelievable. The Heartstone devs should be a big classic of absolutely who not to emulate.