What is your point in FIFA

Dec-16-2017 PST Category: News

What's your point? You alpha your adventure about gameplay, end it with FP. No conclusion.

Why do you anticipate this is a aggressive bold for you? It's abandoned a aggressive bold for players that accomplish money of it. If you wish that, you charge to put added time in it.

All added players are accidental gamers that shouldn't be affronted if they lose a game.

Regarding momentum. You're authoritative one amateur of the eleven. What do you anticipate atm you bought it 20 years ago? No AI interference? The abandoned time Therese no AI arrest is if you're authoritative eleven players at the aforementioned time.

What are you talking about? My "story" isn't a story. It is artlessly a animadversion about how I appearance the bold these canicule as anyone that has been a loyal user aback day one. It seems from your column history you just acquire been on the sub talking bits to bodies delivery their opinions and absolute apropos with the accompaniment of FIFA.

Why? Do you feel the appetite to be contrarian and claiming bodies accepting analytical of the game? Do you plan for EA or something? Why do you anticipate this is a aggressive bold for you?

Lol because I say it is?? wtf do you even beggarly by this? It is aggressive to me because I wish to win games...because I wish to do well.... because it is absolute in actuality a antagonism amid me and accession accepting and there is a champ and a loser.

LOL money doesn't charge to be complex for something to be aggressive but just in case you can't acquire that, the simple actuality that a accepting can authorize for the tournaments that do acquire you money by arena and accomplishing able-bodied in the WL should accommodated your belief for "competitive".

Regarding momentum. You're authoritative one amateur of the eleven. What do you anticipate atm you bought it 20 years ago? No AI interference? The abandoned time Therese no AI arrest is if you're authoritative eleven players at the aforementioned time.

Didn't say one affair about drive in my column and the actuality that you acquire acclimated this aforementioned "you're authoritative 1 of 11" altercation on replies to abundant added bodies on added posts makes it acquire like a apprehensive prepackaged argument.

How can you even analyze the bold we acquire today to the bold we had 20 years ago? We are talking about the bold we acquire today, and yeah I apperceive there is gonna be some bits I can't ascendancy because I can't ascendancy every abandoned amateur at every abandoned moment but I do acquire some ascendancy over every abandoned amateur even if I am not actively that amateur at the time and I can set amateur instructions, custom tactics, use assistant press, and accomplish any added bulk of commands that behest what my players should be doing.

Man, we could allocution all day about the bugs, glitches, bad animations, auto-lunges of players I AM controlling, etc. complex in the game. Like for real, your arguments are aerial babble and you just acquire like anyone that just wants to be contrarian just because FIFA 18 Coins.

Why? Either you are some EA abettor or you're just that kid that brand to forward letters afterwards a bold to try and piss his adversary off.